High-Frequency Spot Trading Made Simple
Artificial Intelligence Based Crypto Trading Software

Crypto Spot Trading Software
With Institutional Grade Trading Technology
ARK Technologies Group, a modern investment utility, employs both technical and fundamental analysis in its continuous evaluation of trading pairs to determine the best course of action. This may involve identifying trends through the use of chart patterns and indicators, as well as evaluating the financial health and potential growth of the tokens/coins involved in the trade. The firm's analysis also takes into account other critical indicators, such as economic data and market news, to make informed decisions about whether to enter a trade on the long or short side. Overall, a plethora of analytical techniques, machine learning, and human input considerations helps ARK make informed, analytical and strategic profitable trades.
ARK reviews key EMA ribbons to determine key resistance lines. Multiple EMA's are continuously reviewed on multiple timeframes with the A.I. imaging analysis engine.
Tracking of the volume bar by the bar is conducted for trend verification and thesis support. Bar review is continuous to ensure the entry direction is correct, ensuring any stop market order is executed with stop loss metrics.
Two to three trades are executed upon entry. ARK calculates target profit lines, and as if other trend indicators are in line. Trailing stops are utilized for maximized profits.

The Future Of Trading Is Here
Are you holding crypto pairs and want to make gains during volatility? Our Quant Software Services offer an advantage over the fluctuating volatile Crypto market with our automated algorithms generating a profit on every market move. ARK does not have any access to your funds, and all your crypto assets always remain directly on your exchanges. Our software API connections enable the software platform to execute moves while not revealing any information. All your exchange password(s) and all personal information is held securely within your exchange(s).
The software continuously analyzes over thousands of Crypto pairs every second within all the exchanges available that we have API connections with. The algorithms then automatically detect the best pairs with the strongest potential for review to share with our clients. Worried about security? All moves are preformed over our secure high-end 2048-bit encryption algorithm.
Are you utilizing multiple Crypto exchanges? Our arbitrage feature allows us to connect you to 20+ exchanges. If the Crypto pairs you are moving are available in your preferred exchange accounts. You can automatically make a profit on the price difference buying Crypto on an exchange where the price is lower and then selling it on an exchange where the price is higher. This feature comes with all subscription packages.
Why Use Our Crypto Spot Trading Software
Buying and selling cryptocurrencies can seem like a daunting process, but with the right tools at your side, you can spot trade crypto and begin to work the market like never before. At ARK Technologies Group, we’ve developed a crypto spot trading software that will allow you to connect to all of the popular crypto exchanges and utilize our secure high-end 2048 bit encrypted automated algorithms, that make profitable trades, irrespective of market conditions.
Our software is built and derived from specialized institutional-grade trading technology. Ark’s highly responsive A.I. program never stops analyzing data and cryptocurrency trends. With this technology in hand, you can spot-trade your crypto with confidence as all client coins remain directly on their private exchange accounts. We believe in safe, highly lucrative big-bank trading technology available at everyone’s fingertips.
Continue to explore this page to learn more about us, our goals, and what we can do for you. If you have any questions about our software, or if you would like to sign up, feel free to reach out to us today. We offer seven-day free trials for all new users.
Future Computing
Our Automated Algorithms Generate Profitable Trades on Every Market Move, Regardless of Market Conditions
Global Connectivity
> 99% Guaranteed Uptime On All Inter-Connected Quant-Based Global Servers
Unrivaled Performance
> 90% Accuracy. Over 32% More Precise Than Any Other Crypto Trading Software
Next Level Results
>$300,000,000.00 In Client Profits Since 2020